
I'm open for freelance business! If interested, contact me at rjparamonte@yahoo.com

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Zlatan Ibrahimovic T-Shirts

I've recently been commissioned to design 5 t-shirts inspired by Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The employer wanted them to reflect a Zlatanism/Satanism parallel and incorporate ZZZ instead of 666 and an occult feel. Here's the progress so far:

zzz1: Zlatan Skull
Going for an occult rock star feel, with subtle soccer influences.

zzz2: Zlatanist Star
A much starker comparison between Zlatanism and Satanism. At first glance this appears demonic but on closer inspection it is revealed the horns are soccer balls, the 666 really ZZZ, and the star itself words about Zlatan.

zzz3: Player Goat Head
Many occult and Satanic references use the image of the goat head. Here, images of Zlatan have been positioned to construct a goat's head in Rorschach-like fashion.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome work. I am particularly impressed with the scull made out of people.

-Frodo D. Snuts